Sharing Investigation Data with Multiple Towers
With the changing landscape in insurance, there is a lot of talk about dealing with your “tower”. It used to be a “tower” was something very large self insureds dealt with; However, with the rise of social inflation and nuclear verdicts, insurance companies are doing the the thing they do best; To insure their preservation they are diluting risk.
Just a few years ago, the insured chose their Self Insured Retention (SIR) and the carrier picked up damages after the SIR was met. Now there may be 3-5 carriers between the SIR and the ultimate “back stop carrier”. Each carrier writes a specified amount of coverage, usually a million or two, and each carrier defines an order of participation. Like most things in insurance, it looks great on paper doesn’t it?
The thing about the “tower” that’s easy to miss is that each carrier has different management teams and risk philosophies. Some carriers may want to litigate everything and then settle on the courthouse steps. Other carriers my be all about the “first call settlement” or “Settlement at first deposition”. Others may not care about anything regarding the claim until their “layer” becomes exposed and then second guess everything done in defense to that point.
As with any situation involving multiple parties, communication is key. You can imagine how quickly communication breaks down if an adjuster with 200 cases on their desk has to keep four layer “towers” for each claim up to date in real time. Wouldn’t it be easier if each “layer in the tower” could access investigative material at their leisure without having to bother the adjuster?
Fraud Sniffr investigation data is able to be shared from a secure server to multiple parties on an “invitation” basis. If two or three parties need to review the social media content or physical surveillance videos, they login to view and update the file in real time. Lean more at